
Did you catch a great Milford moment on camera? How about a picture of you, your kids or pets out and about in Milford? Did you happen to get a great angle of a parade or local event? We want to feature your clips of the people, places and events of Milford on the Milford Informer!

Email your clips to:


Video submissions must include your name, event date & general description in order to be aired. Clips will be also be screened by Milford TV for approval prior to airing.

  • Please label all clips by segment and title.

  • Using the FIREFOX browser, go to uploads.milfordtv.net (other browsers may not allow you on our upload site)

  • Enter login information (Username: guest Password (milfordtv)

What you’ll see when arriving to uploads.milfordtv.net

  • Once you’re logged in, select the “UPLOAD” icon in the center of your screen - you’ll be directed to another page

At the top of the screen select the “choose file” button to find your files on your computer. Select “upload” once your files have been selected. You should see the progress of your upload on the right side of the screen in green.

For larger clips (greater than 25 mb), please upload to google drive and email us a non-restricted link.